Working with those most othered: Towards Health, Equity and Justice for all

POSITIVE VIBES IS …. an African, queer, human rights organisation. We contribute to realising human rights, health and social change at global level. We believe that equity and justice for all is possible.

Strategic Pathway 1
Vibrant Movements
Rightsholders’ movements foster community and cultivate change

Strategic Pathway 2
Accountable Systems & Services
Local, national, regional, and global systems and services are more accountable, inclusive, responsive, rights-based and effective

Strategic Pathway 3
Just Policies & Laws
Policy and law reform address othering at national level, and beyond

Strategic Pathway 4
Innovation for Impact
Sustaining, developing & strengthening Positive Vibes

Our work centers around the themes of development, human rights, and change. It’s all about learning how to change societies and people’s lives for the better – and making concrete contributions to ending othering, discrimination, and oppression.
We align ourselves with the interests of groups, organisations, and movements of people whose human rights are unjustly limited or denied.

We contribute to realising human rights, health and social change at global level.
We believe that equity and justice for all is possible.
Our Impact
I learned that you don’t need to have power and authority to disrupt or to start change in and authority to disrupt or to start change in heard without a formal position. When you connect with different people, you can influence through networks and connections. Connections are how change happens – the more connected you are, the faster it can happen.
These methods we have learned from working with PV are part of our approach now. We have made the essence of the PV development methodology our own and use it flexibly in our influencing work to respond to situations and opportunities.
One thing I’ve learned as a leader is that our voices can leader is that our voices can Every time we don’t hold [duty bearers] accountable for things going wrong or missing the mark, people assume that the services are good. That’s what happens unless we speakup, and use our voices.
Because of being in the closet, my happiness was contained. I felt that I was living someone else’s life who wanted to be happy. Me not being happy, but after LILO all that changed. I was happy. I was living my life. I was proud of my sexuality, after so many years.
I remember growing up as an intersex person – it was just hectic. The community believed I was cursed – I should be killed. Mom was always protecting me – I didn’t go out or play with other kids. Childhood was a blur. I went to school, but didn’t finish high school. I went to three primary schools – when teachers found out about me they said I couldn’t stay. The same happened with high school. I was always hidden in a room. One day shortly before she passed away, mom said, ‘I fought for you for 14 years; now is the time to fight for yourself.’ I didn’t know what she meant. So, I googled. I looked fight for yourself.’ I didn’t know what she meant. So, I googled. I looked – that’s how I came to hear about [this] work. That was a turning point. I can be who I am and act without fear. It has been a long journey to come to this place – from being alone and lost to being a facilitator and a counsellor. It has not been easy, but I thank God for this work.

With a national office in Windhoek, and a global programme office in Cape Town, South Africa, Positive Vibes (PV). Currently, PV works in over 18 countries across Africa, north-west Asia, south-east Asia and central America.
It wasn’t easy for me for a long time. I have been neglected, abused and harassed because I was different. I used to isolate myself from everyone because I thought I was alone in this world and there was no other transgender person. Sometimes I felt like there was no need to live since no one wanted me, not my family or the people that knows me. [Through this work] I learnt that I am human being just like any other and I have right to many things, not just as a transwoman but as a person who deserved to be happy, to access health transwoman but as a person who deserved to be happy, to access health transwoman but as a person who deserved to be happy, to access health stand my ground as a proud trans woman.